The dog and cat a different way of relating to humans

The dog and cat different in character and temperament but same love and affection toward their humans that they show in different ways. Here’s how…
The dog and cat are the only ones among domesticated animals to have become a full-fledged part of human life.
A close relationship that has lasted for thousands of years and has gradually evolved over the centuries into an increasingly symbiotic bond, to the point that today they are considered full-fledged family members.
From the earliest times, the relationship between man, dog, and cat has had reasons for its usefulness, some of which endure to this day: the faithful guard dog friend and the skillful rodent predator cat.
Those who live with these adorable animals, however, know how capable they are of making themselves loved, of how much affection and serenity they can give to anyone who has opened their front door to them.
Every person who has a dog or a cat or both also knows how different these two lovable furry creatures are in temperament and that same diversity is found in the way they behave and interact with their owners. In fact, the main difference between them lies in this.
The relationship between man and dog
For the dog, his human is the most important reference point to which to be totally loyal and dependent. Dependence and loyalty that are in fact the main peculiarities of the dog.
Fido greatly feels a sense of belonging to his owners, a reason why he bonds deeply and unconditionally with them, toward whom he feels he is useful and indispensable.
These character traits that condition the human-dog relationship have their roots in its remotest past.
In fact, the dog tends to replicate with its master the relationships that took place within the pack. This is why Fido chooses within the family a member to be considered pack leader, while the rest of the family members associate him with other roles, just as was the case in the wolf communities from which the dog came.
This intense desire of his to be near humans, to love them and be loved, leads him to be a very sociable and cooperative animal.
Not surprisingly, one of the things that any dog tends to resent is not being considered by its owners.
For this reason, anyone who has a dog or decides to adopt one should always try to involve him, as much as possible, in daily activities by assigning him specific tasks.
In this way his nature is indulged and at the same time the bond with him is kept strong, and he will live next door to you happy and fulfilled, as he should be.
The relationship between man and cat
Quite the opposite is the cat’s way of relating to its owner.
Being a feline, the cat is a very territorial animal, whether it lives only indoors or out.
Any space he shares on a daily basis is considered by the cat to be his territory, his exclusive property that in some cases he does not like to share even with his fellow cats.
It follows from this that everything in its territory, including its owners, are seen by the cat as its property, and it handles them as such.
In the home, therefore, Kitty assumes a position of “leadership,” making him a free, autonomous and independent animal, at times a loner, and for this very reason a myth for many humans to follow.
In fact, the cat is perhaps the only animal capable of “taming” its masters, always serving its demands. He decides when and how much to eat, what food he prefers, when to play, and, if he goes outside, when to go out and when to come back in.
However, all this he does without arousing dislike. In fact, being the good charmer and panderer that he is, he knows how to win affection by reciprocating with castings and many moments of cuddles that show how attached he really is to his humans. The cat also feels the need to be with them, and like the dog misses his family.
How to return the affection of the dog and cat
Although in different ways, therefore, the dog and cat bond deeply with their humans, whom they consider their family in all respects.
Returning affection by caring for them is the least one can do. It is an absolute duty.
Taking them in, however, merely giving them a warm place to sleep and food every day, is not enough to ensure their life in mental and physical well-being. It takes much more than that, that is, you need to give it the same attention that you would give to a member of your family who needs you.
Moreover, in addition to veterinary checkups and annual vaccines, the health and well-being of fido and kitty also come from proper care of their coats.
Without periodic and thorough hygiene diseases, infections and skin discomfort would be the order of the day.
So keep an eye on their coat, which for the dog and cat is of great importance since its function is vital in nature for them.
Advice from Aries Natural Solutions
Realizing that the well-being and health of your beloved four-legged friends also relies on thorough hygiene and good coat care, we at the Aries Natural Solutions we give you here some tips on how to care for them using products for their cleaning and grooming suited to the characteristics of each hair.
Being very delicate, our
Treatment and finishing lines
are made with natural-based components, thus coming from Organic Farming some of which have Aiab and Vegan certification.
For dogs and cats for example with long hair that easily frays and felts forming annoying knots, we suggest shampooing
Break Up Hyper Detangling with Aloe Vera
from the same line there is also the Break Up Hyper DetanglingMask. These are products to eliminate knots and prevent more of them from forming.
Also for the same problem, we have also designed.
Break Up professional maintanance shampoo & conditioner
, a maintenance product to prevent felting and knot formation in a practical and fast way.
More specific for cats, on the other hand, is the
Cloud Line
of which we indicate here the Degreasing Shampoo For Cats, whose ingredients of vegetable nature from organic farming, make this product extremely effective and at the same time very gentle.
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